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CV19 Traffic Light Alerts Levels - Explained


The health and safety of our families and our employees is our highest priority.

We all know the ongoing CV19 situation is very fluid. We see now that we have times of very low local threats and we have times of relatively high levels of local threats. To cater for this, the DLSA has adopted a 'traffic light' level of alertness structure to scale our ability to deal with varying levels of CV19 situations.

It's important to note that even at the lowest level, the GREEN level, all of our CV19 COVIDSafe protocols are maintained and of course, that is the case throughout the AMBER and RED level as well.

The reason for the traffic light system is for us to easily initiate other protocols that we feel will further decrease the risk of CV19 entering our facility.

When it is evident that a CV19 event has happened, thereby potentially impacting our local community, the DLSA will move our CV19 Alert Level to suit and inform our families accordingly. NOTE - At all times, the DLSA will follow all directives provided by the Qld Health.

Alert Level GREEN:

  • Meeting our COVID Safe Plan requirements

  • Cash Transactions allowed

  • Remain socially distanced outside the water where possible

Alert Level AMBER: (All the CV19 Protocols observed in Alert Level Green, plus)

  • Increased CV19 Amber Alert Level Signage

  • Cash transactions not taken

  • Wear a mask while attending our facility if you cannot remain socially distanced*

  • Request that only 1 Parent/Guardian per Family Attend Swimming Lessons

  • No attendance if you have any cold or flu like symptoms within the previous 72 Hours

Alert level RED: (All the CV19 Protocols observed in Alert Level Amber, plus)

  • Increased CV19 Red Alert Level Signage

  • Hygiene Officer shifts on all sessions with 4 or more Teachers in the water

  • Wear a mask while attending our facility*

  • Insisting that only 1 Parent/Guardian per family attend swimming lessons and no spectators

  • Again, no attendance if you have any cold or flu like symptoms within the previous 72 Hours

* Subject to the latest Qld Health directive specific to indoor swimming facilities.

Stay up-to-date with our varying alert levels by following us on social media FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM. We will post there first. We will also work to keep our families informed via email and text, so keep an eye out for that too.

Together, we can provide and maintain a safe and healthy swimming environment.


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