As you may already know, the DLSA will be recommencing lessons starting the 1st June at our Wilsonton facility. We are unable to access the Centenary Heights Aquatic Centre until authorised to do so by the Centenary Heights High School (At this point in time this is likely to be at the beginning of Term 3).
This 'soft reopening' as we term it, keeps within the guidelines of the Qld Government Stage 1 directives on the Roadmap to Recovery.
Our program will be quite different to the norm. Specific guidelines that we are working to are outlined on the Qld Health website, under the direction from the Chief Health Officer which states:
Swimming pools - (use of public pools for swimming lessons, recreational purposes, use of pools in shared facilities such as hotels and apartment complexes)
Can open subject too:
Limited to a maximum of 10 swimmers per pool with the conditions provided in paragraph 14 below.
Note - Primary and secondary schools which use swimming pools and accompanying facilities for lessons may continue to do so without a limit on the number of swimmers per lane or per pool.
And while observing additional requirements in paragraph 14:
PARAGRAPH 14: Additional requirements for swimming pool operators for swimming pools being used for recreational purposes are as follows:
limit total numbers of people. Where possible, up to one parent/carer per child if necessary;
communal showers and change rooms must be closed. Toilets may remain open;
minimise use of communal facilities;
maintain social distancing, 4 square metres per person in the pool, hand hygiene and frequent environmental cleaning and disinfecting.Notes: shower with soap before and after attendance at the pool (at home, not at the pool); no unnecessary co-mingling, especially outside of the pool.
The DLSA has worked tirelessly to implement a range of social distancing and non-transmission initiatives throughout our facility and lessons and we continue to review these initiatives on an ongoing basis. Some important initiatives that our families need to be aware of are:
General Program/Admin Initiatives:
Providing more space per class to provide social distancing throughout the lesson.
Reducing the number of participants per class.
A range of hand sanitiser dispensers will be available throughout our facilities.
Our Teachers will receive training to enable them to provide effective instruction with minimal contact.
In certain classes during certain drills, our Teachers will wear face shields.
All swimming aids and toys will be disinfected after each class.
We will work hard to educate all parents that they should not attend swimming lessons if they or their family are unwell.
Our Team members will not come to work if they are unwell.
Promoting a, "arrive ready, go swim, get out and leave" approach to swimming lessons and squads.
One parent/guardian per family per visit.
Cashless transactions and increased phone/email Admin support.
Customers must use hand sanitiser as I enter and leave the DLSA.
Customers cannot shower or use the change rooms and will leave immediately after my lesson/session.
Customers will stay at home if unwell or have displayed symptoms with the previous 72 hours and not risk the health of other customers, swimmers or the DLSA Staff.
Infant/Toddler Program Specific Initiatives:
During Stage 1: DLSA Infant & Toddler classes will have a maximum of 4 bookings per 30 min class, with 15 minutes between each class.
The DLSA will restrict the total number of people in the facility at any one time. Customers must wait to be invited into the facility when possible, around 5 minutes before their class is scheduled to start.
Customers must understand that when the class has finished, they will quickly dry and dress themselves/their child and exit the building, enabling the next group to enter the building to commence their class. 10 minutes has been allotted to achieve this.
Customers will arrive ready to swim. There will be no access to the change rooms.
1 adult/guardian per family. No additional adult or siblings can be at the pool, only the swimmer and parent.
Learn-to-Swim Program Specific Initiatives:
During Stage 1: DLSA Learn-to-Swim levels will have a maximum of 3 bookings per 20 min class, with 10 minutes between each class.
Your child attending their class will greeted at the front door by the DLSA Admin Team and escorted to their class. Following the class, your child will be escorted back to the front door. Parents must remain in their car during lesson time.
Children must arrive dressed and ready to start lessons. Change rooms will not be available.
DLSA Squad Program Specific Initiatives:
During Stage 1: DLSA Squad Program will have a maximum of 8 bookings per allotted session with 10 minutes between each session.
Your child attending their session will be greeted at the front door by the Coach and escorted to their class. Following the class, your child will be escorted back to the front door. Parents must remain in their car during lesson time.
Children must arrive dressed and ready to start lessons. Change rooms will not be available.
Children will bring and use my own water bottle and not share with others (no fountain is available).
It is a requirement that customer understand and follow our DLSA CV19initiatives at all time. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who does not follow our directives.
