It has been a very challenging time over the last few months, dealing with so much Covid and Influenza within our Teaching, Coaching and Admin Teams. It was been a daily struggle to replace Team members while they were off recuperating.
On average, we were needing to replace 5 shifts a day with one particular Thursday a few weeks ago requiring 9 shifts to be replaced!
We want to pass on a HUGE THANK-YOU to all our fabulous families for your patience and understanding throughout this challenging time.
Thankfully we see things getting a bit better and as we creep towards warmer weather we will see the instances of sickness fall even further.
But as well as this, we have been fortunate to hire a range of new Trainee Teachers to help our Team continue to provide our program.

Right now there are 9 Trainee Teachers partaking in the DLSA Training Program.
The training program, devised by Darren Lange, provides each Trainee with their very own Teaching Mentor who provides support and advice throughout the training process, which includes a minimum of 25 hours observation & assisting DLSA Teachers in the water, a series of workshops, gaining nationally recognised qualifications, an exam and two assessment classes. All of this will be completed in between 4 to 6 weeks!
We look forward to having our Trainees graduating the DLSA Training Program and starting their own Water Safety TEACHING Journey really soon!
