In early March, the DLSA prepared for our next program, P220 and as usual we opened up our Pre Payment Discount to DLSA families. As usual, many families took advantage of our discounted Pre Payment Discount Rate.
The ensuing CV19 pandemic developed rapidly throughout March and at 12pm on the 23rd March, like all other indoor sports venues around the country, we were forced to close down for an indefinite period of time.
At that time, we had no real indication as to how long we would be required to stay closed. We felt that everything was moving very fast and there was a lot of confusion, so we adopted a fortnightly decision process when determining the new start date for our program. This meant, it would have been futile to attempt to refund hundreds of pre paid transactions, only to potentially reopen and receive those funds back from customers.
Now that we have a bit of certainty moving forward, it's important for our Pre Paying customers to know, your lesson fees have not been lost. They have been held as a family credit and the next time you make a booking, that family credit will come off the cost of the program you are booking into.
Certainly, some families given their own situation with the CV19 crisis needed a refund of fees and we facilitated this, however our preferred policy is to hold those fees as pre payment of future lessons.
How Pre Paid Fees will work with our special 6 week program?
If you pre paid for P220 and did not request a refund and are booking into our special 6 week program commencing 1st June at DLSA Wilsonton, you are all paid up! Yay! But more than this, the balance of unused family credit is still available to be used in our P3 or P4 programs later in the year.
Further to this, you may have read that we are charging a temporary CV19 surcharge during our 6 week program. As a gesture of good will, we have waived this fee for customers who pre paid for P220 and did not require a refund... That saves you $18!
And as a further gesture of good will, you will note that notification of our special 6 week program and access to the enquiry link was made available to our Pre Pay customers, hours before releasing to all the other DLSA customers, giving you the ability to stand at the front of our 'virtual queue'.
I Pre Paid for P220, but not joining the special 6 week program, what happens to my money?
No problem, your money remains on our system as a family credit to be used at any time over the next 6 months. Again certainly, if you have been adversely financially affected by the CV19 crisis and require a refund, please contact our friendly Admin Team so we ca review your situation.
Despite all of this, we know and understand that everyone has their own personal situation and we will always assess every situation on a case by case basis.
We truely thank-you all of our Pre Pay customers for their patience and support throughout this difficult time. As a small, family business, operating for nearly 26 years in our Toowoomba community, this last 2 months rates as our most challenging time and we are grateful, indeed humbled by the support and trust afforded to us by our valued DLSA families.
