As always, the health and safety of our DLSA Team and our DLSA Families are our highest priority.
While previously we were hopeful of being able to restart our program for the beginning of P220 (Term 2), we have not seen any reduction in the social distancing measures put forward by the Government on the 23rd of March, primarily the directive surrounding the request for indoor sports facilities to suspend trading.
To this end, we have made the decision to delay the start of P220 to Monday the 4th of May.
As always, we will abide by the Government's directives and if we are unable to commence the program on the 4th of May, we will make contact with you again beforehand. During this time, we hope to have your support, patience and understanding.
We understand customers have questions pertaining to swimming fees and payments, please note the following relevant items:
* All missed P120 lessons have been made available to you as make-ups in future programs. To help cater for this, over the coming programs, we are planning to put on a range of specific make-up sessions above and beyond our regular class structure. This will make it easier for you to use your make-ups throughout the rest of the year. * The April Direct Debit did not draw. The May Direct Debit will not draw unless we can recommence lessons from the 4th of May.
* Please rest assured that if you have already pre-paid for P220 lessons, you will not lose that money. We will continue to review this situation over the coming weeks and keep communicating with you accordingly.
If you would like to contact our Admin Team to discuss your booking, your best bet is to email Our Admin Team are coming in sporadically to respond to enquiries.
We ask for your patience and understanding while we work through the multitude of issues and logistics we need to action, both for you as well as our Team throughout this unprecedented time.
Thank-you again for your patience, support and understanding throughout this time.
Kind regards,
Darren Lange OLY
