Welcome to the New Year! :D
We at the DLSA remain focussed on providing our families with a safe and healthy swimming environment.
Our COVIDSafe initiatives remain strong.
Given the Qld Government's announcement today (Fri 8th Jan 2021), we are taking the following steps to further increase our COVIDSafe security:

We consider a CV19 HOTSPOT to be any suburb/region designated as such by the Qld Government.
We ask that any customer who has visited a CV19 Hotspot since the 2nd January NOT attend the DLSA until after 6pm, Monday 11th January.
During this time, we ask that families limit parental/guardian attendance to 1 parent/guardian per family. We understand there are certain circumstances where this is not possible. If in doubt, please contact our Admin Team before attending our facility.
Strictly, NO CASH PAYMENTS for the time being.
PLEASE NOTE: DLSA Admin Team and Hygiene Officers will be enforcing all of our COVIDSafe initiatives and systems including, but not limited to;
Lodging your digital Contact Tracing information AND Health Declaration information each time you enter our facility.
Properly using the hand sanitiser when entering our facility.
Of course these important systems have been in place now for months, but we know it has been easy to forget some of these steps from time to time given the low alert level. Just letting you know that our Team have been instructed to increase the awareness of these important COVIDSafe policies.
We will continue to watch unfolding events and work to keep you fully informed as best we can.
Thank-you for your time and patience throughout this time. Together, we can maintain a safe and healthy swimming environment.