The last two years or so have really been a roller coaster! We have had to 'duck and weave' through all the challenges thrown at us by the pandemic and we continue to deal with issues on a daily basis.
Currently, we are experiencing an abnormally high level of DLSA Team Members, out of the water due to sickness as the flu virus makes its presence felt in our region.
As we always say, your family's health and safety is our highest priority. That's why we continue to ask our Team to adhere to our 'DO NOT ATTEND YOUR SHIFT IF YOU ARE SYMPTOMATIC' policy.
First and foremost, THANK-YOU TO ALL OUR WONDERFUL FAMILIES for you patience and understanding throughout this time. It is ALWAYS our goal to provide continuity of Teacher/Coach for your children. Unfortunately, given the daily challenges we face due to Team members catching the flu, we find ourselves shuffling Teacher, Coaches and Administrators around on a daily basis.
The DLSA Program is built to deal with this type of situation... Here's how:

All Teachers utilise the same Lesson Plans. This helps to provide a high level of lesson content for the swimmers, regardless of who is taking the class.
All Teachers us the same Key Words. This means when we are explaining the skill/drill to the swimmer, all of our Teachers are using the same Key Words, so as not to confuse any swimmers.
All DLSA Teachers are FULLY qualified to a National standard, PLUS they go through our very own detailed DLSA Training Program AND are regularly assessed and attend DLSA Professional Development Workshops.
The simple act of maintaining repetition contributes to ongoing skill development. While it might not look like it, just getting in and moving through the lesson plan is way better than missing a lesson because the usual Teacher is away sick.
How can you help your child better handle Teacher changes:

Prepare you child for the possibility that may be a different Teacher for their lesson at some stage.
Assure them that they will be totally fine. If your swimmer is in lower Water Confidence levels, remind them that THEY HAVE THE SKILL to join the class/different Teacher and will be safe and will still have some FUN!
Play it down... Often children will look to their parents reaction before reacting themselves. If you are relaxed about it, chances are they will be too.
Finally remember, this issue won't go on forever. As our Team members, like many families, experience the flu over the coming weeks, chances are they will build an immunity to it and we won't be as heavily effected next program.
Again, we thank-you for your patience and understanding. We encourage you to PERSIST WITH PRIORITISING YOUR CHILD'S WATER SAFETY. We are working VERY hard to minimise the impact throughout this time.
As always, please stay in touch if you have any questions or concerns.